Lines of the C-T E, Alignment, Ruling Family, and Symbol

Lines Lookup Alignment Ruling Family Symbol
Ah Kinchil Conservative Moyle Western dragon
Anhui Nonaligned Hefei Sea eagle
Atdhe Nonaligned Hoxha Olive tree
Ch’olan Nonaligned Couch Tiger
Chaac Nonaligned Polkinghorn The Castle of Chaec
Changsi Conservative Treithick A Californian redwood
Chikyù Progressive Byre Phoenix emerging from the flames
Chujean Nonaligned Medina Single flame
Clyde Progressive McArthur Sailing junk
Colletta Conservative Thompson Winged rifle
D’daer Progressive Daer Ruined city of Anphor Tor
Domov Progressive Domov An ankh
Domovina Conservative Novak A thrush
Dontfrey Conservative Raputa Snarling head of a jaguar
Dynand Nonaligned Yanez A Bhutan cypress
Effling Conservative Ortiz A red Greek cross
Ekahau Conservative Poblete A Coptic ankh
Etu Progressive Clemhorn Double-headed Mayan eagle
Fitzmorton Progressive Stirling A round tower
Fujian Nonaligned Fuzhou A spinning wheel
Gansu Conservative Castillo A blue marble sphere
Guangdong Nonaligned Guangzhou Scimitar
Gwizhou Nonaligned Fuentes Griffin
Gwlad Conservative Morris Oak tree
Hainan Nonaligned Haikous A mace
Hocawi Conservative Ahler The Southern Cross
Huis Progressive MacKenzie A ten-sided star
Ix Chel Conservative Borup A Chinese dragon
Ixbalanque Nonaligned Ege A wolf
Ixtab Nonaligned Buck A coconut palm
Jerek Progressive Giesing A cedar tree
Kinich Ahau Nonaligned Han An eight rayed sun
Kleng Progressive Harnich A crescent
Mainline Nonaligned
Malac Conservative Espersen Yellowfin tuna
Marke Conservative Boulay A blue star
Maun Progressive Lorge Zebra
Mawyhydi Conservative Phillips Tudor rose
Milawe Progressive Riendeau Yellow lotus
Nebo Conservative Turk A hand — palm outwards
Neu-Moscow Progressive Romanov Brown bear
Neydd Gymanwlad Conservative Morgan Chrysanthemum
Notway Progressive Windsor Cougar
O’Brien Nonaligned O’Brien Harp
Q’anjobalan Nonaligned Vannier A golden pearl
Rolfe Conservative Rolfe Red lion rampant on a black background
Styphon Conservative Morrison A single cannon
Velican Conservative Kos Four stars on a circle
Vinogradov Nonaligned Morozob Kernel of rice
Vorobyov Nonaligned Vazilyev Glass crown
Yucatecan Conservative Lachance Macaw
Yum Cimil Progressive Arthur Coyote
Yumil Kaxob Nonaligned Myricks A black lion
Zajendnic Nonaligned Krajnc Andean condor